LVNV Funding LLC is a debt buyer that is owned by Resurgent Capital Services L.P. that often reports on consumers credit reports negatively. Because of the negative credit reporting consumers can be denied a home loan, auto loan, or employment. It is important to resolve and possibly remove this debt collection from a credit report and other databases.
LVNV Funding LLC information is:
LVNV Funding LLC 55 Beattie Place, Ste 110, MS 576 Greenville, SC 29601Phone: (888) 665-0374
Our law firm can be hired to represent you to resolve issues with LVNV Funding LLC. For over a decade we have been helping Texas consumers resolve issues with debt collectors that report erroneous or negative information on their credit report. Once hired we interview the client to see what happened and given the situation we can make a recommendations on how to proceed. We will gather the relevant documents and have the credit repair attorney evaluate under Texas Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) , Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and any other applicable statutes. Sometimes our clients do decide to settle with the debt collector. If a client settles, then we create a contract for the creditor to sign that releases our client from the remaining amount and describes how it will be reported on the credit report. Most clients want the negative apartment collection removed from their credit report and other databases. In extreme cases, we enter lawsuits against the debt collector.
You don’t have to face any Debt Collector alone!
To hire a Consumer Credit Attorney and the law firm to fight LVNV Funding LLC, call today (214) 556-2300 or email